Fire Coordinator
It is the mission of the Fire Services Coordinator to achieve continuity in the Fire Service through the strategic implementation of the Spartanburg County Independent Study and Fire Protection Master Plan
Essentail Functions​
Assists in implementation of Spartanburg County Fire Services Strategic Planning;
Serves as liaison to the Spaitanburg County Fire Prevention and Protection Advisory Committee
Attends all meetings regarding fire service in Spartanburg County to include, but not limited to, the Spartanburg County Fire Prevention and Protection Advisory Committee and follow up on requests and decisions of the Spartanburg County Fire Prevention and Protection Advisory Conmittee and add Ad Hoc and Sub-Committees;
Receives and assists County staff with Fire Service Area budgets;
Oversees the purchasing, upgrading, operation and maintenance of County owned fire equipment and apparatus;
Attends training seminars, classes and meetings as appropriate; Acts as Public Information Officer for County Fire Service;
Interacts and communicates with various groups and individuals as a liaison between the County Administrator and Fire District Leadership, City Officials, County employees, subordinates, volunteers, other County and State Agencies, Law Enforcement Agencies, Emergency Medical Services, vendors and the citizenry;
Serves as a liaison between the fire departments/districts and the County Administrator; Maintains and manages the inventory of County-owned fire equipment;
Develops, plans and implements Fire Department goals, objectives, rules, regulations, standard operating guidelines and work methods that comply with federal, state and local laws and in response to an assessment of community need;
Provides oversight of activities of Fire Service Areas including, but not limited to, attending meetings of the Fire Service Area Advisory Boards;
Assists in Spatanburg County Fire Prevention and Protection Advisory Committee development and implementation of strategic planning goals and objectives for mergers and consolidations of Fire Service Areas in Spmtanburg County;
Assists in implementation of strategic planning goals and objectives as developed from the Spartanburg County Independent Fire Study and Spartanburg County Fire Protection Master Plan for fire service County wide
Exercises any and all other functions as required to implement the Spartanburg County Independent Fire Study and Spartanburg County Fire Protection Master Plan at the direction of County Administration

Fire Departments​
Below are all of the Spartanburg County Fire Departments and links to their respective pages:
Glen Springs Pauline
Fire Services Coordinator
Office: 864-631-4740
Email: wale@spartanburgcounty.org
Address: 175 Community College Dr
Spartanburg, SC 29303

To request more information:
Contact SCOEM