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Emergency Management is the combined efforts of  local, state and federal governments to protect the citizens from the effects of disasters, both natural and manmade. The local Office of Emergency Management works to identify and analyze the hazards that may face Spartanburg County and develop contingency plans for each hazard. The plans are regularly  tested, refined and tested again, all with the goal of protecting or saving  lives and property.


The Office of Emergency Management uses a four-phase approach  to emergencies: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery, which  is known collectively as the Emergency Management Cycle.


Emergency Management Cycle
Emergency Management Cycle.jpg

Mitigation - Activities which are designed to either prevent  the occurrence of an emergency or minimize the potentially adverse effects  of an emergency, including zoning/building code ordinances and enforcement of land use regulations.


Preparedness - Activities, programs and systems which exist  prior to an emergency and are used to support and enhance response to  an emergency or disaster. Public education, planning, training, and exercising  are among the activities conducted under this phase.


Response - Activities and programs designed to address  the immediate effects of  the onset of an emergency or disaster and help  to reduce casualties, damage , and to speed recovery.  Coordination, Warning,  Evacuation, and Mass Care are examples of Response.


Recovery - Activities involving restoring systems to normal.  Recovery actions are taken to assess damage and return vital life support  systems to minimum operating standards; long term recovery may continue for many years.


Robbie Swofford
EM Coordinator
Office: 864-595-5368
Cell: 864-316-3014
Address: 175 Community College Dr Spartanburg, SC 29303


Emergency Operations Center


The County Emergency Operations Center is now jointly located with the Office of Emergency Management.  The EOC serves as as the central clearinghouse for disaster-related information, and requests for deployment of assistance.  The EOC offers some equipment (ESF Reps encouraged to bring radios/laptops if needed), security, and space to manage a modern emergency or disaster.




SCOEM operates on a system of Operational Condition Levels, also known as OPCONS.  The levels are designed to simplify the steps agencies take in order to fully activate emergency resources. The three OPCONs and their definitions are compatible with the majority of state and federal emergency management organizations nationwide, making the state’s processes and procedures easier to understand for teams deploying into South Carolina during a disaster.


SCOEM's OPCONs and their definitions are as follows:


OPCON ONE - Full Alert
A disaster or emergency is imminent or occurring. The State Emergency Operations Center is fully activated. All agency personnel are activated or available for activation.


OPCON TWO - Enhanced Awareness
A disaster or emergency is likely to affect the state. Emergency Operations Plans are implemented. The State Emergency Operations Center is partially activated if necessary.


OPCON THREE - Normal Daily Operations
Agencies coordinate, plan, train and exercise as warranted. Incidents are monitored by the State Warning Point and local emergency managers.


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